Simplicity in 2023

Well, here we are in 2023. You all know we tend not to follow big fads or trends, especially when it comes to the new year. So, in true Highbrow Hippie fashion, we'll be focusing on simplifying in the upcoming year. This won't be about making promises that feel far out of reach or setting unrealistic parameters in any way, it's more about cutting down on the noise.

By Highbrow

Thank You + Happy Holidays

We finally made it to the finish line! The whole team has been going a mile a minute this holiday season but our saving grace through it all has been our amazing clients. Thank you to everyone for all the love and support (and for the thoughtful gifts you dropped off!). We’re always grateful we get to spend the days with all of you at the atelier.

By Highbrow


By now it’s well documented that I’m a bit of an introvert. I have to talk more than I’m usually comfortable with at work by nature of what I do and it’s something that truly doesn’t come easy to me. Sometimes I fail miserably, sometimes I grapple with massive anxiety because of it, but always, always, I try.

By Kadi

6 Scents that will transform your vibe at home

This month we've been chatting about all things wellness and some of our go to's for a quick reset. For me, scent is in the top 5 along with sleep, proper nutrition, movement and time in nature. It's certainly one of the most important elements in my home and gives me an immediate sense of well-being. I tend to gravitate towards woodsy, green scents with subtle floral undertones. Scents that (at least for me) feel like a warm hug next to a fireplace, reading a book after smoking a joint and gazing out the window at the mountains beyond. I love having my place smell like me - it invokes a vibe and to me that is important. 

By Myka

Kadi + Ashley Discuss All Things Scalp Care

We talk a lot around here about our favorite hair care products, routines, and rituals. As Black women, weekly hair rituals have been a part of our experience for as far back as we can remember. From at-home hot oil treatments, scalp massages, and hair steaming to protective styling and DIY hair masks, we've seen and done it all. Not only are these routines a way for us to care for our hair but they're an opportunity to slow down and focus on ourselves as well.

By Highbrow