Making Space and Time For Love

By Kadi

Turning 44 today, on the Leo New Moon.

During year 43, I learned I was capable of a big, all-encompassing love. However, I also experienced a sudden breakup, along with an ectopic pregnancy, that brought me to my knees and made life, and work, a very challenging time. It is, still, a very difficult thing to say out loud and talk about but itā€™s important to acknowledge. Because what I learned is that I was capable of making space and time for love and I know I can do it again. I also learned that my village is comprised of the biggest rock stars because never once did I ever feel alone. In fact, Iā€™ve never felt closer to my chosen people. They are just so, so good.


Kadi's Self-Care Tips

I read today that during this New Moon, the main themes are about ā€œreconnecting with our confidence, authenticity, and personal ambitions, and goalsā€. Say less- because I feel like Iā€™m well on that road. Self-care is first and paramount and Iā€™m so thankful for everything and everyone in my life. Cheers to another turn around the sun and more beauty, wellness, and living consciously.

My cup overflows.


  • Just now reading this. Iā€™m so sorry you went through that and at the same time love how positive you are when I know that couldnā€™t have been easy. I canā€™t quite put the right words to it but I am just really very impressed and itā€™s really cool you learned something so beautiful and positive in the wake of something so difficult. Really beautiful words, outlook and thinking. Sending love

    Malia on

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