Towards the end of last year, we posted about our thoughts on wellness, recalibrating our thoughts surrounding the topic.  Why?  Because it’s one of the pillars of our brands so honestly, we’re constantly thinking about it, but also, because our definition of wellness is always changing. Of course, we have a hardline definition - it’s right there on our website, “Health is a state of body, wellness is a state of mind” - but to us, wellness isn’t a static state and there isn’t a singular vision of what it looks like.It’s all about finding what works for you, what makes you feel nourished, whole, and embodied.

By Highbrow

Tina, Our Rock n Roll Queen

There’s a certain point in our Highbrow Hippie playlist, where it launches into 30 straight minutes of Tina Turner. It usually occurs around 4pm, a point in the day where our collective energy starts to lag and we need an injection of joy to get us over the finish line. It’s one of my favorite times of day. Almost 6 years ago, Highbrow Hippie almost ceased to exist. We found ourselves walking away from a toxic arrangement, starting over from scratch after years of hard work. Like Tina, we walked away with the rights to our name, two women in our 40s, bruised and utterly devastated, but with an unfaltering belief in ourselves and what we had to offer the world. And what’s in a name? Sometimes, everything. It’s your power, your agency, your freedom.

By Highbrow

Beauty in Longevity: Kadi's 5 Steps For At-Home Haircare + Hair Wellness

Patience, trust, and time.   Whether the client in my chair is in need of a color correction, is requesting a drastic color change, or is looking to stretch the time in-between appointments, my approach is always the same.  It's always centered around maintaining the health and vitality of my clients' hair - which, surprise, takes time.  Many of the clients who wind up in my chair are looking to primarily improve and maintain upon their current color, but more often than not, they’re also looking for help - help in bringing their hair back to life.

By Kadi


  So many things shift when you become a mother. Your heart, your perspective, your tolerance for noise…your waistline. Once that baby comes its all hands on deck and poof, your identity outside of being a parent becomes an afterthought. Suddenly, you’re strolling around with this little person on the outside instead of inside and pretty much every interaction you have with others is centered around said baby.    The first 3 months after Harris was born, I was filled...

By Myka


I’m a workaholic to the core. Part nature, part necessity, laziness and doing the bare minimum isn’t in my dna. With a brand currently in a major growth period, I’ve been in grind mode. The downside - my body gets beaten all the way up, and personal time becomes non-existent. As motherhood is the buzzword this week, I may not mother a child, but I sure as hell mother this business, at times sacrificing my physical health.

By Kadi