Sustainability, it’s all the rage. From tiny houses to electric cars, if you aren’t considering sustainability in your daily existence, then you are officially behind the times. But what does it mean to truly be sustainable? Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Whoa. Think about that, the foundation of this principle is based on us using only what we need.

By Myka

Does America Want to Change?

Between the seemingly never ending mass shootings and the upcoming Derek Chauvin trial verdict, I'm feeling unsettled these days. America has long shown itself to have a history of violence, but this acceptance of it is next level. Mass shootings daily and not a peep from a lot of people on social media. As the mother of young son, I desperately want for us evolve, but it seems that our history is becoming our present.

By Myka


2020. It’s been a hell of a year, no? In some ways it feels like it’s gone on forever, in other ways, like time stood still. Like most of you the biggest thing on my mind has been the recent election and after 8 months of COVID and 4 years of foolishness from you know who, it finally came. To say I was excited to vote was an understatement. I requested my Georgia absentee ballot sometime in May and was...

By Myka


As we settle into the reality that COVID’s impact is here to stay, continue the process of unwinding, and shining a light on the effects of America’s racist history and stress out over the upcoming election, self-care becomes top of mind. Taking care of ourselves is essential for being able to show up in the world with clarity and as our best selves. It allows us to take care of others without feeling resentful or projecting our shit on them. ...

By Myka

Living Consciously in Turbulent Times

  "When we take the time to be peaceful and calm, we are given more time in return. Calmness bestows focus and thus we accomplish more by expending less." - Aadil Palkhivala   I remind myself of these words often, but especially during challenging and turbulent times such as these. The sense of losing control, of not knowing what’s next can stir up anxiety rather easily. The key to moving beyond that anxiety is recognizing, and acknowledging the reality that we...

By Myka