As you get older, you accumulate new scars, both invisible and obvious, that are reminders of all your life stories. On this trip around the sun, I got a few more stories and scars than bargained f...
Choosing Consciously: Six Steps To Picking Safe, Sustainable, and Effective Beauty Products
We’ve been talking about awareness lately and what it means to hold presence and incorporate conscious living into our daily lives. For us, that extends to the choices we make around the brands w...
On Conscious Living: The Thread That Ties it All
This month, we’re discussing the third pillar of our brand, the one that ties our ethos and values together: conscious living. It’s the lens through which we filter both the world of beauty and wel...
Too many of the conversations around wellness are limited. They lack inclusivity, and often, fail to incorporate social determinants into the picture. That’s the truth.Today, we hope you take some ...
I needed to take a long moment (and cry a few tears) upon hearing of Harry Belafonte’s passing today. Because while I am under no delusion that our elders will live forever, when some leave us, the...
Black History Month Blog Collection
Highbrow Hippie began over 12 years ago as a blog. It was an outlet and a way for us to express all parts of ourselves - the multifaceted, multidimensional layers that sometimes take a back seat to...
Diversity + Community at The Atelier
On any given day if you come by the Atelier you’ll find a variety of people - old, young, black, white, brown, American, non- American, Christian, Jewish, Agnostic, Muslim…the list goes on. We’ve l...