How to Choose A Crystal

By Myka

I never pick a crystal, it always picks me. When I go into a crystal shop, I see what I'm attracted to, feels good in my hand and typically, it's always what I need. Lately I've been drawn to malachite. It’s all about flushing out toxic emotions, clearing away unwanted energies, and ensuring that negative vibes stay 6 feet away at all times. Kind of perfect for this post-COVID existence. One of the best descriptions I found online was from Tiny Rituals.

From Tiny Rituals:

"When it comes to emotional healing this is where Malachite shines. One of the strongest elements that flows from Malachite is its immense powers of protection.  It gives you courage, wisdom, and the ability to spot and say no to all kinds of emotional blackmail. It’s a stone that sends a warning bell when things aren’t as they seem, which in turn grants you the inner strength and confidence you need to know that no matter what, this stone will teach you how to have your own back without the paranoia.

When it’s not busy sweeping the path of poor energy, Malachite is all about giving you the capacity to embrace change. It’s also known as the Stone of Transformation. Malachite gives you a daily dose of courage, invites you to step out of your comfort zone, and serves up a reminder that to move forward in life, there are some things you may need to leave behind. It does this without letting go of empathy or losing balance, but somehow keeps you centered, calm, and able to approach emotional decisions with ease and grace.

Malachite is here to help us in times of transformation. For those ever ready to embrace new leaps or clinging to the edge of something, Malachite gifts you the strength to prune your inner branches and say yes to new growth."

I don't know about you guys, but I am certainly ready for a change and some new growth.

Want your own crystal reference deck? Check out our favorite here

And if you want some of that beauty malachite has to offer, try one of my favorite ways to incorporate crystal energy here.

By Myka
Myka has always been enamored with beautiful things and making things beautiful. Highbrow Hippie is truly an extension of how she lives her life on a daily basis and represents the things that are most important to her - community, personal growth, self care, simplicity, good design, eco - friendly practices, self awareness and a healthy approach to consumerism. It’s a combination of the things she’s loves and does best: creating the perfect space to bring beauty, wellness and conscious living into other people’s lives.
View All By Myka


  • Malachite sounds like a powerhouse for emotional healing and protection, perfect for navigating our post-COVID world. Speaking of unique crystals, have you tried Quantum Quattro? It’s a striking mix of Malachite, Chrysocolla, Shattuckite, and Quartz, discovered in Namibia and famed for its vibrant blue and green hues. How does it compare to your experiences with Malachite? Your tip on cleansing methods was super helpful – anyone else here got a favorite technique? I’m curious to see what works best for others! 🌟 Can’t wait to explore more crystal wisdom here. Thanks for sharing!

    Jamie Miller on

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