By Highbrow

The other day, we were reading the comments and questions left on the blog and felt warmed by all the insightful input. Whether it was a question about aligning your period cycle to the moon phases or stories left by an old friend about the days, of living and working in NYC, we felt grateful for the reciprocity of this community.


Writing is a tool that we continue to come back to over and again. It allows us the freedom to explore spaces, topics, and memories that would otherwise lay dormant. It offers a sense of sanity and clarity and a chance to be unabashedly honest. More than anything, writing gives us a chance to connect and add new layers of dimension to conversations.

Since we started the blog back in 2012, we’ve welcomed new clients to the Atelier, added new members to the team, and grown a community that extends beyond our space in Venice. With all these changes has come new depth and ultimately, has expanded the voice and perspective of Highbrow Hippie - for the better.

That’s what conscious living is. It’s alchemical. It’s compassionate. It’s heart expanding. It keeps us all growing yet grounded.

Since we're closing out the month, we've compiled a few of our (and your) favorite blog articles on conscious living. Leave us your questions, thoughts, and insights - and we’ll keep the conversation moving forward.


Our Favorite Blog Articles on Conscious Living:

Kadi + Myka on Living Consciously

Diversity and Community at the Atelier

Lightness of Being


Ways To Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle

Making Space and Time for Love

How To Simplify Your Life and Move Out of Overwhelm

Kadi + Myka’s Simple Home Rituals

How to Achieve Low-Maintenance Hair Color

Go With The Flow


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