After years of being known as a blonde, right before my summer break I was recently tasked with creating a new hair color for the gorgeous and talented Tori Kelly. The directive from her team was to give her new, deeper brunette some dimension, and a little lift.
When returning to a natural darker color, it’s always important to think of the approach- as going too dark can sometimes dull the hair. The ideal landing place is a happy medium that incorporates lightness and movement, and mimics the nuances that hair would have, if left to its own devices. The goal was to have a mix/blend of Tori’s new and old looks, so she still felt fresh and youthful, and most importantly, like herself.
Tori recently encountered some serious health challenges, which saw her hospitalized this week, just days before the long anticipated release of her new EP. I’m devastated to see her go through this, as when she came to see us at the atelier, she was not only beyond gracious, kind and EARLY for her appointment, she was truly a sweetheart to the entire Highbrow Hippie team and a breeze to work with. We are keeping her in our thoughts, and wishing her a swift and complete recovery.
A huge special thank you to my dear friends and clients Sarah Uslan, Tori’s longtime makeup artist, and Hope Wilson, my Spellman College sister and a member of Tori’s record team, for your trust and confidence. As we all know, it takes a village to complete projects like this, each of us a cog in the wheel, with collaboration and communication always being top of mind. I’m so happy and grateful to be a part of yours.