Behind Kadi's Chair: Dr. Aruby

By Kadi

Sometimes you get a client whose beauty is so bright from the inside out, you can’t choose just one picture! Thank you for visiting the atelier and trusting us with your gorgeous hair Dr. Aruby. At the end of a long day, your energy is exactly what we all needed. Also, your style is goals. 

Since relocating to LA, Dr. Aruby’s natural grey and curly hair had unfortunately been subjected to harsh heat styling that left it sensitive, breaking and discolored. Our plan is to put her on a deep conditioning regime to rebuild the porosity and prevent yellowing. We went in and highlighted any discolored ends with a gentle lightener with Virtue Labs ColorKick, and after a strand test, I determined that her hair was too sensitive for toners, even silver ones, so we coaxed a bit more of the yellow out with Christophe Robin baby blonde color conditioner. I then used another Virtue restorative treatment mask to seal the cuticle, and Hector gave her a healthy trim and gentle blowdry. Our goal is to restore her hair to its natural thickness and length over time. The best part about the process is that her personality was so sunny that she kept us laughing and smiling, even at the end of a long day. We can’t WAIT to hang with her again. A wonderful end to the week.

Highbrow Hippie Venice

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