On Conscious Living: The Thread That Ties it All

This month, we’re discussing the third pillar of our brand, the one that ties our ethos and values together: conscious living. It’s the lens through which we filter both the world of beauty and wellness and how we, as a brand, remain connected to a greater sense of community.  For us, conscious living is about the choices we make as individuals and the self-awareness that we bring to each of them. It’s about deciding who we are in each moment and living with integrity - in our thoughts, our words, our actions - as best as we can.  

By Highbrow


Back in 2018, I wrote a blog post about syncing your period to the moon cycles. At the time there wasn’t much conversation taking place around our periods, when we have them, and what they mean. Fast forward 5 years and women’s reproduction is front and center, and Go With The Flow has become our most popular blog post.  Over the years, I have received many emails from people about this post. Most expressed gratitude for learning something new, many with questions...

By Myka


When you’ve done hair for as many years as I have, you go through many life events + milestones with your clients. Weddings, pregnancies, postpartum- I’ve even experienced my first slew of high school and college graduations for babies that I once held. But, nothing, and I mean nothing, prepares you for when your client battles cancer.

By Kadi


Although the weather in LA is trying to convince us otherwise, it’s officially summer!  That means, more time spent outdoors, at the beach, in the pool, and in the sun.  All that translates a little more rest and relaxation but also, more wear and tear on your hair. Some of your summer habits can actually be supportive for your hair’s health - but in moderation.  Sunlight can help increase circulation to the scalp, seawater can help nourish the scalp with trace minerals, and we all know about the overall benefits of Vitamin D.

By Highbrow

Happy Juneteenth, Y'all!

Too many of the conversations around wellness are limited. They lack inclusivity, and often, fail to incorporate social determinants into the picture. That’s the truth.Today, we hope you take some time to remember that the heart of true wellness is a commitment to both the wellbeing of one’s self, and the larger community overall.We’ll continue to do our part- joyfully, uniquely, and confidently making room for ourselves, in an industry that doesn’t always. And we will always aim to be, our ancestors wildest dreams.

By Highbrow