6 Scents that will transform your vibe at home
This month we've been chatting about all things wellness and some of our go to's for a quick reset. For me, scent is in the top 5 along with sleep, proper nutrition, movement and time in nature. I...

I never pick a crystal, it always picks me. When I go into a crystal shop, I see what I'm attracted to, feels good in my hand and typically, it's always what I need. Lately I've been drawn to malac...

I like getting rid of things. It’s kind of my hobby. I am firmly in the camp of if I don’t love it and have a recurring need for it, then it doesn’t need to be in my life. It’s a well known fact i...

Each month at Highbrow Hippie we pick a theme to help guide our marketing. Typically its aligned with the season and this month is no different. Our theme for October is transitioning - from summer...

Sustainability, it’s all the rage. From tiny houses to electric cars, if you aren’t considering sustainability in your daily existence, then you are officially behind the times. But what does it m...

Between the seemingly never ending mass shootings and the upcoming Derek Chauvin trial verdict, I'm feeling unsettled these days. America has long shown itself to have a history of violence, but t...

2020. It’s been a hell of a year, no? In some ways it feels like it’s gone on forever, in other ways, like time stood still. Like most of you the biggest thing on my mind has been the recent electi...