Notes on Sisterhood

I write this through so many tears. That may sound over the top to some, but, I was so overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude watching Serena Williams play her last US Open match tonight. But, mostly, my thoughts kept going back to her sister Venus- to sisterhood. I loved that she acknowledged her sister in a big way tonight, and that there would have been no Serena without Venus.

By Kadi

Making Space and Time For Love

Turning 44 today, on the Leo New Moon🌙 ✨.During year 43, I learned I was capable of a big, all-encompassing love. However, I also experienced a sudden breakup, along with an ectopic pregnancy, that brought me to my knees and made life, and work, a very challenging time. It is, still, a very difficult thing to say out loud and talk about but it’s important to acknowledge. Because what I learned is that I was capable of making space and time for love and I know I can do it again. I also learned that my village is comprised of the biggest rock stars because never once did I ever feel alone. In fact, I’ve never felt closer to my chosen people. They are just so, so good.

By Kadi

A Guide to Sun-Kissed Hair

I’ve been doing hair now for 22 years, and next week I turn 44. Half of my life spent learning all I can about my craft, and now, my first Vogue feature!  It’s a milestone that I’m super proud of, and that honestly makes me quite emotional...

By Kadi


One of our favorite sayings at Highbrow Hippie is “Get Free”. Freedom is integral to the way we operate. Free to do things differently, free to be and advocate for ourselves, and free to change our minds if something isn’t working. Through many years of roadblocks, we finally built and designed the Highbrow Hippie Atelier with our needs in mind, hoping that it would also meet a void that we saw in the beauty and wellness industries that was filled with a lot of sameness.

By Highbrow

Facing Fears and Leaps of Faith

The past year and a half has obviously been like nothing any of us have ever experienced. We have been surrounded by so much fear- fear of falling ill, of losing our jobs, our homes, our connections with friends and family.Though I’ve been fortunate to still connect with people throughout this time, what I needed most was a reconnection with myself and my own body- my version of wellness, or better yet, being well.

By Kadi