How I Paint Confidently with ColorKick
Many of my newer clients first come to me looking for some sort of color rehabilitation and/or correction. Unfortunately, by the time they make it to my chair at the atelier, the hair cuticle is often so damaged that there is little to be done- the shine is just gone. So when I first tried ColorKick a few years ago, I was blown away at the difference in my clients’ color, and the overall health, texture and integrity of their hair post color service. It significantly changed the way I approached my balayage and other color processes.
What is ColorKick exactly? First, it’s made with Alpha Keratin 60ku, a proprietary ingredient that is the first-ever hair filler made from 100% pure, human keratin. What looks like delicate flakes of gold is mixed right into color or bleach, and essentially replaces the cuticle of the hair. Think of a rocky, bumpy road being paved smooth. As a filler (not a bonder), it helps to replace lost keratin through the coloring process.
Unlike some other products on the market, ColorKick is not a band-aid- it’s really doing permanent, reparative work. After months of now dealing with numerous post lockdown color corrections, having it in my arsenal has been a game changer. With ColorKick, because the cuticle is now way smoother, the shine and reflection of the color is dialed all the way up.
Before having ColorKick as a tool, I used to proceed with maximum caution (and that will never really change), but my mind really became convinced and more at ease after I had a major color correction from brown to blonde that had to be done in one day, and my client’s hair actually felt healthier and looked shinier AFTER we were done. No matter the tone and texture of my client’s hair, using ColorKick when I paint just gives me a beautiful result.
How does this all translate to better hair color? Well, hair that’s been colored has usually lost a bit of its natural shine as a result of the chemical treatment. This is even more significant if the hair has been overprocessed. With continuous use, it’s almost as if you can reverse the aging process of the hair, because make no mistake, our hair is usually aging at the same rate as the rest of our bodies. Though I’ve mainly relied on ColorKick to be my secret weapon for major color corrections, it can be also used in single process coloring for better gray coverage for a truer, more vibrant result, and it can also be mixed into hair masks and processed with heat for an ultimate shine treatment.
If you’d like to hear more about this reparative AND preventative coloring tool, and to find out about adding it to your next color service, send us an email to .
We are also so excited to announce that we are partnering with VirtueLabs to giveaway a complimentary ColorKick reparative color session at the atelier to one lucky winner! Click on the link below for information on how to enter.
A huge thank you to my longtime clients (and ColorKick devotees) Tait Chatmon Alvarez and Sophie Elkus, whose patience and trust in me has enabled them to achieve healthy and strong hair, from the inside out.
All photos by Felicia LaSala