Stacks on Stacks

Stacks on Stacks

So the focus has shifted to my hands. Rings, bracelets, watches, nail art….gives me a bit of bling around my face. I gesture with my  hands a lot when I’m talking. Guess that’s what happens when you marry an Italian…That being said, as of late I’ve been piling it on. 3 rings on one hand? Yes please. Body chains? Certainly! Turquoise, gold and diamonds? Why not?

I’ve found that the more delicate the pieces are, the more you can mix without feeling over accessorized. In my ongoing obsession with finding great pieces, I find that I go back to two places time and time again. Jacquie Aiche & Catbird NYC. Both have beautiful pieces that are delicate, inspired by nature and just overall cool. Neither Kadi or myself are ever without our Jacquie Aiche finger bracelets and lately I have added some first knuckle rings to the mix from Catbird. Add all that to my Godmother’s and her sister’s wedding bands that never leave my fingers, a first anniversary gift and a colored ring or two and I’ve got a righteous mix.

*photography by oh_crumbs

*jewelry Myka’s own, Jacquie Aiche, Catbird NYC

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