Living in Art

The most prestigious art show in the Americas, Basel showcases the work of more than 2,000 artists of the 20th and 21st centuries from over 260 leading galleries in the world.

By Kadi

The Third Wheel

Usually that term is rife with negative connotations. According to, it is “one who deters the socialization of a couple, perhaps when being invited out of pity or through a feeling of duty. A person who can ruin an activity you have planned with your significant other by inviting themselves or guilting you into … Continue reading "The Third Wheel" The post The Third Wheel appeared first on Highbrow Hippie.

By Kadi

P.S. I’m Still Fat

Yep, it’s true. I am.

By Myka

A Grateful Heart is a Joyful Heart

We each keep a gratitude journal to express appreciation for the blessings that exist in our lives no matter how big or small.

By Kadi

A HBH Technology Diet

It makes me crazy. The constant texting, Facebook updates, emails from every source….I find it exhausting. And distracting.

By Myka