By now it’s well documented that I’m a bit of an introvert. I have to talk more than I’m usually comfortable with at work by nature of what I do and it’s something that truly doesn’t come easy to me. Sometimes I fail miserably, sometimes I grapple with massive anxiety because of it, but always, always, I try.

And then sometimes, I surprise myself. I love to travel alone, as it gives me the opportunity to rest and hear my deepest thoughts again without blowdryers and the heavy pressure of being “on” (not to mention standing on my tired ass feet!) These past few days I got to not only play tennis 5 days in a row (something that I can NEVER find the time for in real life), but I also read 2 books AND 2 magazines cover to cover. Whose life is this?? Needless to say I was blissed all the way out.
Halfway through I also made new friends! Like, actual ones I’ll probably see again. Cortney and her husband Dane were not only super cool, but they let me be my weird introvert self and float in and out of socializing as I felt fit.
Bless people who accept you as you are. As life ticks on by, friendships become more precious and few, but I leave my island of Jamaica with deep gratitude for kindred spirits and for giving myself this time to recharge before the December marathon of clients.
As always, my cup overflows. See you back at the atelier, behind the chair.