The names behind our products were carefully chosen: Root Replenish and Essential Wellbeing. They encompass our intent—to get to the root of things and provide essential support and replenishment. The focus is not just on treating the symptoms that arise from imbalances in the body but addressing the root cause. There are layers to doing so, and it's not a magic bullet solution but one that takes time and care.
The first step is bringing the body into alignment so that we can begin to heal, and from there, changes can start to occur. Everyone starts from a different place, so the path is different for everyone, but our products are intended to get to the root of things and are an investment in a routine that supports your health.
However, we need more than just a supplement or a serum to keep us in alignment. We need proper nutrition, rest, movement, and an arsenal of other tools to help us mitigate stress and keep us feeling our best. So, while our products will certainly help you on your hair growth journey, used in combination with other lifestyle factors is the real secret to getting to where you want quickly. Some essentials are physical activity, time in nature, time with friends, meditation, 9 PM bedtimes, white space in our schedules, and firm boundaries. What are some of your non-negotiables for maintaining balance in your life?